

APTITUDE A LA CONVERSATION Niveau Moyen, Supérieur et Maîtrise.

Vous avez étudiez Grammaire et Vocabulaire et vous êtes capables de lire journaux et magazines en Anglais. Cependant, vous avez besoin d’améliorer encore votre compréhension et vos aptitudes à l’expression verbale de manière à pouvoir communiquer facilement en Anglais dans votre vie professionnelle.

Dates et heures:

Vendredi : de 18h30 à 20h30 ou de 19h00 à 21h00
Samedi : de 10h00 à 12h00 ou de 14h00 à 16h00 ou de 16h00 à 18h00
De Février 2008 à Juin 2010
5 semaines de cours

Objectifs pédagogiques :

Anglais d’usage pour la communauté internationale

Vous êtes capable de parier et de comprendre l’Anglais dans certaines situations mais vous savez aussi que des leçons et une pratique régulière vous feraient le plus grand bien.

Vous avez étudié la grammaire et le vocabulaire il y a quelques années et vous êtes en mesure de lire journaux et magazines en Anglais. Cependant, vous manquez de pratique quant à la compréhension et l’expression orale, ce qui vous empêche d’utiliser la langue avec confiance lors de réception ou de Rencontres internationales, de même que dans votre environnement professionnel. Contenu du cours.

Vous discuterez de sujets d’actualité sur base d’articles publiés dans la presse Britannique ou Américaine, Internationale tels que : The Independent, prospects, the European Voice ou The Guardian. Des Professeurs Marocains et des Américains et Britanniques expérimentés vous guideront tout au long du cours, vous enseigneront les tournures de langage adéquates, corrigeront vos erreurs. Et suivront vos progrès de manière à ce que votre Anglais s’améliore rapidement.

Ce qu’en pensent nos étudiants :

— 100% de nos étudiants jugent nos cours de très bons à excellents.
— 100% d’entre eux n’hésiteraient pas à recommander l’Institut Américain d’Anglais Témara à d’autres.


CONVERSATION(I) COURSES AT American Language Institute Temara
Develop your English skills to be connected with the world

Whatever your level, we can help you test and develop your English language skills through a variety of accredited English courses taught by our experienced and qualified native English Language Speakers.
These courses focus primarily on your listening and speaking skills. Reading, writing, grammar practise and its usage are kept to a minimum. You will be encouraged to practise your oral skills through pair work and group work following a course of stimulating topics and themes.

Level testing:

If you are a new student, you will be tested into the most level appropriate to your needs to maximize your learning experience in class.

Course division: 

We divide our students into 3 levels from lower intermediate to upper intermediate.
The courses run one day a week. Generally the courses are on Saturdays from 11.00 to 13.00. Check with us to find out if we provide for other times. In most cases, we can help you find a suitable time.

Progress check:

1- We will assess your progress throughout your course. You will be evaluated on your attendance and participation in class.

End of term:

If you are successful and passed the final term examination, you will receive a success certificate.


The conversation course is all about communication. It is about listening to and understanding other people’s ideas, and about sharing your ideas and opinions with your fellow students. It is also designed to :
– Increase your vocabulary.
– improve your grammatical accuracy.
– Become accustomed to the American accent.
– Improve your skills in giving an interesting and effective oral presentation in front of an audience.

Course information

All students wishing to take a conversation course must take the American Language Institute Temara placement test in order to determine their level. Conversation classes meet once a week for a total of 2 hours weekly over 5 weeks.

For the conversation courses special materials such as magasines and newspapers are used to stimulate interesting topics of conversation. There are interesting topics too :

– Health and Fitness.
– Vacation Times.
– Around the World.
– News and current events.
– Food and cooking.

Why Conversation at American Language Institute Temara ?

• Moroccan and native English Speaking teachers.
All of our teachers, have recognized qualification in English as a Second language (ESL) or closely related field.
• Small students – centered classrooms

Learning English at American Language Institute Temara is meaningful, effective, rewarding and fun ! Great success is achieved when language is taught with an interactive communicative approach in a student-centered classroom . We believe it is critical for students to have opportunities to personalize language through conversational studies that allow them to use their knowledge and experiences as they express their unique idea and opinions.

• Friendly and Experienced staff
Our receptionists and registrar are fluent in Arabic and English. The Directo rand his academic adyisors are Americans who together have many years of experience behind them.
• Good location and excellent parking facilities
• Excellent Course Material

Our textbooks are at the core of the academic program.
These textbooks are of the most successful and most popular English courses used around the world. The books use modern topics of high interest to teachers and students alike. Creativity in content and enjoyable activities encourage students to correctly apply the language skills they learn.